My Story

Walton County is a great place to live, work and play.  As a sixth generation Walton County resident and second-generation Walton County businessman, I am living out those benefits day by day.  My wife Lauren and I are raising our three children in Walton County because of the way of life this County has provided.  Our County is on the verge of urbanization and development, we must take steps to preserve our land and its resources, for our future generations.  As your Chairman, I plan to do that with honest representation, unbiased leadership, and good stewardship of the County resources.

In the past 14 years, I have had the opportunity to serve people through a Walton County service industry, the Walton County Board of Appeals and helping to organize and lead the residents of the Gratis Community in rezoning opposition against commercial retail development, in our quiet residential area.  I have a proven track record of working for, and with, people in a positive, beneficial manner.

My Promise

As your Chairman, I pledge to serve the people of Walton County by helping to keep our county on the best track to the future, with all people in mind.

  • I will respect the voice of the people.

  • I will respect the Walton way of life.

  • I will support our local Walton businesses.

  • I will lead Walton County Towards smart growth.

Contact Blake

Please use this form to reach out with any questions or concerns. I look forward to hearing form you!